Saturday, March 2, 2013


In your lifetime, you will buy many clothes. Some you will love forever, and some will fit you perfectly, until one day, all of a sudden, you outgrow them. You may be surprised, or you may have even seen it coming. Sometimes in life, you outgrow  people. 
And as much as you love & care about them, it's time to give them away, much like you would, with old clothes.
You take a peek at the bigger picture and realize that this item or person, just isn't doing anything for your figure anymore. 
Sometimes you know in the back of your mind that you needed to let them go quite some time ago but you just couldn't. 
Sometimes seeing them go is one of the hardest things to do, but life doesn't stop for anybody, and sometimes you just need a new wardrobe. 

"Out with the old, in with the new."


  1. holy gorgeous closet arrangement. it's organized so beautifully.

  2. girl. i tagged you on my blog. ch ch ch check it out.

  3. I adore your blog! Check mine out at :D
