Saturday, June 4, 2011

the moment when,

The Moment When,
I have no idea what to do with myself,
my best friend no longer lives within 3 feet away from my room,
I feel like my friends have forgotten,
I get my license in 6 days,
I cry in my closet (and believe me, its not very big)
I want to work at Forever 21, Sooo bad.
I feel just a tad empty inside.
I miss my sister more then anything you could ever think of.
Summer is never what its chalked up to be.
I have no money, but want to buy clothes.
I purchase vintage swimwear.
My BFF cousin lives in St George and i dont even get to see her until the 16th.
I have the dentist on Monday.
Summer playlists are a neccesity.
I listen to Mumford and Sons a repeat.
 7 Peaks is calling my name.
I clean my (well sort of my) car, Lenard, He smells so nice now.
I have good chats with my friends lovely mom's.
Hugs from mom are all that will do.

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