Wednesday, February 23, 2011

no thanks.

 today was good.
 i have had a strange attraction to gold lately. usually i think it is hideous. but, not lately.
                 OK guys, this is me getting on my high horse, but i just gotta get it out.
                         if you own a pair of these boots, feel free to stop reaading for fear of further offense.
                                  I cannnnooooot stand these boots. I am almost posotive that 90% of the high school owns a pair of these (including me) but i am sooo sick of seeing them.
they are ugly.
they are plasticy.
and everyone wears them.
will i be wearing mine ever again..? no thanks.
please kids, just get original. go out and buy a cute unique pair like this:
(thankyou megan abel for being the perfect example of this, i aaaddddorre your brown boots.)


  1. ah im glad we agree. im very proud to say i never have, and never will own a pair of those hideous boots. i agree, every girl at our school owns a pair, or three. i say everyone should buy a pair of cowboy boots.

  2. there has always been a want in my heart for a pair of cowboy boots.
