Wednesday, January 5, 2011


Happppy 5th of January to you all. Today Linda was NOT in the office, max was NOT at lunch with us and then PD had to smart mouth off to Elle. So overall today sucked. But then i went home (well elle's house) watched some I Survived, took a nap, then woke up with a fork jabbing me in the leg, wore pink for thee very first time this year and had a pretty fantastic time.  It really made up for the mediocre day that i had.

P.s. dont make fun of my asian eyes.
Its greatly appriciated hahahaah
                     So there is this class, its called fashion stradegies. Personally I would think that class would be very enjoyable being as i love fashion, but in all actuallity i hate it with my whole heart. It is the most pointless class in the world. So take my advice kids, never take it, for the sake of your sanity.
                                           Here is a great fashion website. i could spend hours on it.

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